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Thank you for volunteering to be a Room Parent for your child’s classroom this year! 

As a Room Parent, you are helping the teachers serve as a conduit between the PTA and your fellow classroom parents. However, each teacher has different needs and expectations of the Room Parent so we encourage you to check with your teacher regarding expectations. 


If you are interested in serving as your teacher's room parent, please let your teacher know.
The PTA will be communicating with the teachers to collect room parent names and email
addresses. The room parent coordinator will be communicating with all room parents regarding
expectations and responsibilities during the academic year. If you have
any questions, please email


General Westpark Room Parent Guidelines


First - we encourage you to be a current PTA member. Please Join the PTA!


Room Parent Tasks:

Collecting funds, buying gifts

  • There are generally 5 different categories for which the room parents collects funds: (1) Holiday, (2) Birthday, (3) End-of-Year Gifts, (4) Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, and (5) Class Friend, which goes towards gifts for all the other staff at Westpark.

  • Be very clear when communicating to parents that any contribution is strictly voluntary, and please make no mention of the amount each family has donated.  For gifts from the class, each child’s name should be included in the card, whether or not the family has contributed.

  • It is your responsibility to purchase gifts for your teachers with the money collected for the holidays, their birthday, end of year, and teacher and staff appreciation week. The PTA will collect any Class Friend donations you received and purchase gifts for the remainder of the Westpark Staff at their appreciation luncheon.

  • Download customizable donation letter HERE.




  • Each classroom is asked to submit photos for inclusion in our annual yearbook. The yearbook staff will provide you with more information. You are encouraged to take group photos throughout the year and to solicit help from other parents so that your child’s classroom will be represented. 


Administrative Items


  • To stay in contact with parents, please ask the teacher to notify the class that you are the room parent, and ask them to submit their email addresses to you. Some teachers prefer you to email to them any Room Parent announcements and she will forward to the classroom parents.


Red Ribbon Week


  • Before Red Ribbon Week, you will also be asked to decorate your teacher's door based on the annual theme. You will learn more about the details of the Week at the fall Room Parent meeting.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week


  • Before and during Teacher Appreciation Week is an important time to communicate with your class about the donations needed and small daily gifts the students bring to celebrate our teachers and staff. You will also be asked to decorate your teacher's door based on the annual theme - have fun with this and encourage your fellow parents to help. You will learn more about the details of the Week at the spring Room Parent meeting.


Other Room Parent Responsibilities:


  • A Room Parent’s role does not encompass answering academic or school policy questions. Please refer these subjects to the teacher or principal.

  • Get other parents involved!  While you are the key to your teacher’s parent support system, please do not try to do everything yourself. The most important thing you can do for the teacher, students, and parents in the class is to help other parents get involved. As a room parent, you can be a tremendous resource in matching the right tasks with the right families, if you get to know other parents.


Have a great year!!

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