The District recognizes that volunteers are a valuable and integral resource to the success of our schools. In order to promote clear understanding of the expectations and appropriate use of volunteers, the following guidelines are in existence district wide.
All volunteers must first complete the online application. When you go in to volunteer for the first time, bring a valid driver's license, passport, or other identification and check in with the front office.
Volunteers must….
Complete the appropriate paperwork before being allowed to volunteer.
Check-in at the front office before reporting to their classroom or assignment.
Maintain confidentiality with regards to information about student work, progress, grades, and behavior.
Keep students within sight of IUSD teachers or staff at all times.
Only correct academic work that is objective.
Never input grades or have access to class records.
Support instruction under the supervision of an IUSD teacher or other district staff.
Volunteer in the school building; presence on the playground at recess and lunch is not appropriate for student safety.
Please contact the classroom teacher if you are unable to volunteer at your set time.
Thank you for your support in promoting the effective use of volunteers in the support of students, classrooms, and schools.
Your support is invaluable and the safety of all children is our number one priority!