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PTA Meetings
General Association or Open PTA meetings are usually held three times an academic year in the
Mulit Purpose Room and are open to the public.
Due to the current climate, we are only scheduling two meetings for the 2022-23 academic
year. Both meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Call-in information will be shared in the
principal’s Eagle Announcements.
The 2022-2023 Open PTA Meetings are scheduled for:
August 11th, 2022 at 6:30-8:00pm
Location: Westpark MPR
Attendance (All Attendees sign-in)
Call to Order
Old Business
Approval of Minutes
Principal’s Report
Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer presents and submits reports
Balance on hand- _____________________________
Ratify Check #s_______________________________
President’s Report
Upcoming Events
Intro to motions:
Reports or items for vote will be presented, then there will be request for motion
Member will state, I motion that we (change budget, file Report, etc.)
Then there will be a second from another member
Request for discussion, any discussion about item will happen
Then motion is restated for vote
All in favor say “Aye”, and those opposed say “Nay”
The majority will be stated as” The Ayes have it, motion carries” or “The Nays have is motion fails”
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